October 26, 2024

The Kentucky Derby Language You Need To Know For Arizona’s Best Party Returning May 6th

Scottsdale, Arizona

As Good As It Gets: Perfect Weather Is Forecast!


Terms You May Hear And Want To Know The Day Of The Woodford Reserve Derby DayClub: Presented by Sanderson Lincoln
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Tote Board
The board located behind the backstretch of the racetrack that displays the odds, pools, results and payoffs of each of the races.

The area of the racetrack that’s located opposite of the finish line.

Home Stretch
The final stretch section of the racetrack leading to the finish line.

Winner’s Circle
An area where the winning horse is displayed after the race and often involves a ceremonial presentation.

The amount of money a player voluntarily risks, or bets, on a game.

Mint Juleps
The official drink of the Kentucky Derby consisting of sugar, water, crushed ice, fresh mint and Woodford Reserve bourbon.

Dead Heat
A race that ends in an exact tie. The winner is determined by the position of the tip of the racer’s nose, relative to the wire.

The Wire
The official finish line of a horse race.

Straight Bet
A wager on a specific horse, in a single designated race, to win at the given odds. This is the simplest and most common bet.

An acronym that stands for minutes-to-post. This is the time remaining before the start of a particular race.

Post Time
The time a race is set to begin.


To come see the action yourself and enjoy a day full of horse racing, betting, Mint Juleps, Derby fashion and more, reserve your spot to attend Arizona’s biggest and best Kentucky Derby party today!


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